(applause) (cheering) >>Ladies and gentlemen, our first guest has worked with stars such as Wesley Snipes and Brad Pitt and his work on Forever Knight earned him a Gemini award. Please welcome... >> Mike: Nigel Bennett, ladies and gentlemen. We had -- we've had other people on from Forever Knight. You played a vampire on that show. >> Nigel Bennett: Yeah. A very old vampire. >> Mike: How old was he? >> Nigel Bennett: At the eruption of Mount Vesuvius -- a long time ago. I wear it well. >> Mike: After a show like that, do you have a tendency to poo-poo the idea of vampires, or do you believe it? >> Nigel Bennett: I do conventions and personal appearances and I've had people come up to me and say absolutely straight faced that I am a vampire. >>Mike: What time of day was that? >> Nigel Bennett: Luckily for me it was during the day. So I knew I was safe. But they claim to actually drink human blood, which is weird. >> Mike: I've heard of cultures where people drink blood. The Mao Mao warriors used to drink blood from cattle. >> Nigel Bennett: Our lead character would drink cow's blood. >> Mike: Why do you think people continue to be fascinated by the vampire legend. >> Nigel Bennett: It's the erotic thing, the idea of women grabbing on to men and sucking their necks -- it's an erotic thing. Sorry about that. And it's fascinating. It's very romantic as well and romance has come back in a big way. >>Mike: So, do you think this is a good thing for the Red Cross or bad? >> Nigel Bennett: I think it's one of the deciding factor in the recent inquiry. >> Mike: You were in the states playing the Rocky Horror Picture show. I used to go and see that at the Kingsway theatre once a year. Remember that, folks, throwing croutons at the screen? What part did you play? >> Nigel Bennett: I played riff-raf. >> Mike: Elbows. >> Nigel Bennett: Yes. We did an interview, we toured with that. >> Mike: You used to do the elbow thing and people would think he was having sex. Right? >> Nigel Bnnett: I never did that. Guys used to come up to me back stage and rub my hump for luck. >>Mike:Ha! Did anybody get lucky from it, or -- >> Nigel Bennett: Well, no. (Laughter) I was saving myself for Mr. Right. >> Mike: This is something I've never heard about an actor. You're a hunter as well? >> Nigel Bennett: Yes. >> Mike: Most actors I bump into are not hunters. You were hunting recently in Nova Scotia. What do you hunt? >> Nigel Bennett: Deer. >> Mike: For food? >> Nigel Bennett: I eat them. >> Mike: I could see actors hunting animals for food. >> Nigel Bennett: Absolutely. >> Mike: Not a high-paying profession in this country, so when you shoot you eat. >>Nigel Bennett: I don't shoot anything that I don't eat. >> Mike: Do you get out there and butcher yourself? >> Nigel Bennett: You field dress it. >> Mike: That an expression they use to suck the deer into the area, we'll field dress you? Your character on Psi Factor -- Frank >> Nigel Bennett: He's with the office of scientific investigation and research. >> Mike: He's a very cold man. >> Nigel Bennett: He's very enigmatic and you're not sure if he's with the team or against it. He has his own agenda. >> Mike: He's a war veteran and C.I.A. -- >> Nigel Bennett: I have no idea. They've never said. >> Mike: Play him day by day. >> Nigel Bennett: No, eat the food and go home. >> Mike: Is the character drastically different from you? >> Nigel Bennett: Yes! >> Mike: Do you prefer playing good guys or bad guys -- because I've always pictured you as a bad guy. >> Nigel Bennett: Bad guys are easier to do than good guys. >> Mike: What's been your favourite film experience so far? >> Nigel Bennett: I think Narrow Margin with Gene Hackman and Anne Archer. >> Mike: Right. Yes. I enjoyed that film. She's a witness to a D.A. -- Or, is it an FBI agent. You're one of the guys chasing her on the train trying to kill her. She's a lovely woman. I had a big crush on her when I was younger. >>Nigel Bennett: She's one of the few who looks better without makeup than when she has it. >> Mike: I wonder if they'd let her go on without it. Have you seen her since the film? I was hoping you could pass on my regards. >> Nigel bennett: I will when I see her. >> Mike: And you like golf? What do you like about golf? A lot of deer hanging around the government -- the golf course? You're going to get a phone call tomorrow from a certain somebody! We'll be right back with leather lady Carrie gray.